This site functions as a repository of information for concluded projects and applications that are now obsolete or discontinued.
Eating Disorders Projects and Apps

Salut, a groundbreaking European research initiative, has been instrumental in driving forward digital solutions for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of eating disorders. One of its most notable achievements is the development of Salut BN, an innovative online therapeutic support program designed specifically for individuals dealing with Bulimia Nervosa. More about the Salut Project More about the Salut BN

The Internet and Binge Eating Disorder (INTERBED) study is a prospective, multicenter, randomized, noninferiority clinical trial (treatment duration, 4 months; follow-ups, 6 months and 1.5 years). A volunteer sample of 178 adult outpatients with full or subsyndromal BED were recruited from 7 university-based outpatient clinics from Germany and Switzerland. More....

INTACT (Individually Tailored Stepped Care for Women with Eating Disorders) was a Marie Curie Research Training Network (RTN) dedicated to exploring and developing groundbreaking approaches for the prevention and treatment of eating disorders. Within this framework, NetUnion partnered with the University Hospital of Geneva to investigate the effectiveness of an online guided self-help program catering to individuals grappling with binge eating disorders. More....

The aims of PlayMancer were to implement a framework and a platform for serious games, with a special focus on therapeutic support games for behavioural and addictive disorders, i.e. eating disorders and pathological gambling. More....
Obesity and Nutrition Projects

SWEET is Pan-European research project to develop and review long term benefits and potential risks of sweetness enhancers (S&SEs) in the context of public health and safety, obesity, and sustainability.

Preview, Prevention of diabetes through lifestyle Intervention and population studies in Europe and around the World , was an European research integrated project funded under FP7. The overall objective of the Preview project is to determine the extent to which a high-protein, low-GI diet in combination with physical activity can reduce the incidence of diabetes in pre-diabetic overweight children and adults.
More.... Visit the PREVIEW website....
More.... Visit the PREVIEW website....

DIOGENES (Diet, Obesity and Genes)
Diogenes was an European research project (FP6-513946) targeting the obesity problem from a dietary perspective: seeking new insights and new routes to prevention.
Ambient Assisted Living Projects (AAL)

CAMELI (Care Me for Life)
Cameli was an FP7 Active Assisted Living (AAL) research project that aims to provide automated services for assisting elderly citizens in their daily activities. More....

Vizier aims to design and implement a groundbreaking solution that caters to the needs of elderly users. This solution aims to bridge the digital divide, empowering seniors to take full advantage of the latest technological innovations for better daily life management and ongoing physical, mental, and social well being.